Monday, May 2, 2011

This Saturday we traveled to Holland to look at the beautiful fields of tulips and other flowers that are legendary to our northern neighbors...and we were disappointed.  Although we've been enjoying the warm, sunny weather, apparently the flower farmers have as well, and have begun harvesting them earlier than normal.  

This is what we were supposed to see...

This is what we actually saw:(
It was a huge bummer.  What are the odds...anyway, although we didn't get to see the incredible fields of flowers that we were so excited about, we did go into Keukenhof, which is actually a giant park full of little ponds, playgrounds, a petting zoo, and zillions of flowers.  So fun was had by all, but we'll definitely be making another trip there next year to check out what everybody's been talking about - and earlier!  Keukenhof was incredibly beautiful - and it was another beautiful day!

Feeding the swans

Bo got a little more than he bargained for!

His new favorite thing is to pose for the camera and say cheese - problem is he doesn't exactly smile...

Checking out the animals
This was a bit nerve wracking to watch...Will really wanted to do it -  Scott's shoes got totally soaked in the process, but they made it through without needing a change of clothes.  

We were in Holland, after all, the home of wooden shoes.
After Keukenhof we drove to the town of Delft, a quaint little town in Holland most famous for its China and being the home of the artist Johannes Vermeer, painter of "Girl With a Pearl Earring" - which is the basis for the movie and book of the same name.  A little fyi:  After always being a little confused - is the country called Holland?  The Netherlands?  Can they be used interchangeably?? - I did a little research.  The Netherlands is the name of the country, which is divided into provinces, two of which are considered 'Holland' - of which Amsterdam, Keukenhof and Delft are all a part of.  Think the United 'States' but on a much smaller scale.   Anyhoo, as Saturday also happened to be "Queens Day" in the Netherlands, as well as a tax-free day, which citizens take full advantage of by having rummage sales on every free inch of concrete available, the town was not quite as quaint as the internet pictures painted it to be.  Queens Day is a public holiday in the Netherlands and basically celebrates the Queens birthday as well as a celebration of the entire royal family.  It's quite the party - bands, dancing, lots of drinking, with everybody in orange - hilarious because Scott completely fit in, as he was wearing his orange Broncos shirt.  So I don't think we exactly got the flavor of Delft, but amidst all the junk, empty beer cups and loud music, we could tell it was a very beautiful city, complete with canals and windmills, and we'll certainly be making another trip at a little calmer time, as it is only about a 90 minute drive from Brussels.  

I think we've now gotten back to normal since our trip back home...I have to say the jet lag has definitely hit me the hardest!  I had a hard time last week - I think poor Bo was getting a little bored with me, so last Friday was my self-imposed deadline for getting back to 'normal' and today we got back into the swing of things and attended our usual Monday morning playgroup, only to discover a rash all over Bo's back and tummy as well as spiking a fever!  Bummer - hopefully it's short-lived.  You certainly wouldn't know he's too sick though - as I was picking Will up from school today I quick ran inside to grab Will's backpack while they were both sitting in the double jogger.  When I came back (30 seconds later) there was a crowd - no less than about 12 kids - surrounding the stroller, Will's just sitting there with his head down (he had been crying because he said I was 'late' picking him up, which I wasn't, his best friend just got picked up earlier) and there's Bo, doling out Goldfish crackers to all the kids while yelling out his entire library of naughty words - 'poo-poo head,' 'stupid', you get the picture.  He's laughing at himself - he thinks he's hysterical - meanwhile I'm having a heart attack, as the teachers are nearby and staring, until I remember they probably have no clue what he's saying anyway.  Will has adjusted to being back to school pretty well.  He seems to be playing more with other kids, besides just his other English-speaking pal.  We've run into a few classmates at some parks, which he thinks is great, and today when we were walking in our neighborhood we ran into a little girl in his class and - it was the cutest thing - she got so excited and said: 'Coucou William!!"  Actually, she said 'Villiam' - that's how his name is pronounced here.  'Coucou' is an informal, endearing way to say hello in French.  It was so sweet, he couldn't stop smiling.  

I'm sure this week will go fast - just like all the others!  Not a whole lot planned - I have a girls night out tomorrow night, then a night out with the Mother's of Young Children group of the American Women's Club of Brussels on Thursday night, and a few play dates thrown in there, as long as Bo is up to it.  Hopefully we'll do a little more exploring this weekend - I definitely have the 'travel itch' back!  Have a great week!

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