Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spain! Ole!!

We accomplished two firsts this week...a.) we made it to Spain for the first time; and b.) we did a trip without a stroller.  I'm pretty sure the latter was the greater accomplishment!  All was going well as we were on our way to the airport - everything we needed managed to fit nicely into carry-ons, we were out the door on time, we were on our way to was good.  Then Scott remembered about 3/4 of the way to the airport that we forgot the #1 most important thing:  the stroller.  How is that even possible?!  As we were flying Ryanair (aka, European's devil airline) and their airport's a good 45 minute drive from home, there was no hope of returning for it.  Scott was bound and determined that we would survive without it, while in my mind, the first stop we were making after landing was to a store to get us a new stroller, but alas, Bo was a trooper, and we managed just fine without it - although you may get a different story from Scott, who had to give many a shoulder ride...

Anyway - Barcelona.  Love!  We had such a great time.  Weather was beautiful.  People were lovely (and beautiful).  Hotel was in a great location.  Couldn't ask for much more from a trip.  It started off a little hairy once we got there, as finding our hotel was a bit of a challenge, and once we managed to find it, the check in process was more than tedious, as apparently on Sundays one has to go to a different location about 20 minutes away to check in.  Thankfully, the hotel had a playground right outside the front door, so the boys were entertained, and I was able to take in the sunshine and palm trees...and was nearly pick-pocketed, but Bo saved the day.  We were warned over and over again about pick-pocketers, and 30 minutes in, it nearly happened to me.  A guy was trying to distract me by asking questions about the hotel, and I was completely falling for it.  Meanwhile, Bo came up to me and started whining for some gum, I shooed him away a couple of times, but finally turned back around and looked at him, and noticed a guy sitting right in the chair next to me - and I had my back pack and purse and all our luggage sitting on the ground around me, the back pack right at his feet.  Once I looked at him, he looked at the other guy and they took right off.  The playground where the boys and I were was completely fenced in - he snuck right in when my head was turned.  Anyway, needless to say after that we were very vigilant about what we carried on us!

The first night we didn't do a whole lot but walk around a bit and go out to dinner at Subway...tasted delicious.  It was actually the first of three Subway meals we had on this trip.  The next morning we got up and just started walking.  We toured Barcelona's Cathedral, a beautiful 14th century church, walked around the Placa de Catalunya, a vast square that separates old and new Barcelona, rambled around the Ramblas, Barcelona's main boulevard and walked all the way to the Harbor, where we toured a replica of one of the ships that was part of a fleet that made the first successful voyage around the world (although it returned with only one out of five ships and 39 out of 250-some odd people...successful??)  Anyway, the boys loved it, and thought it was a pirate ship, of course.
Budweiser at Subway:)

Barcelona Cathedral
Chapel where the first Native Americans Columbus brought to Spain were baptized.
The Cathedral had a beautiful cloister - lots of fountains, fish and geese.   Here Will's making a  'wish'.  

One of the thirteen geese.  The patron saint of Spain is Eulalia, a thirteen-year-old local girl tortured 13 times by the Romans for her faith before being crucified on an x-shaped cross.  Her X symbol was carved on all the pews and her tomb is in the Cathedral.  
Placa de Catalunya
One of the boys' all-time favorite past times:  chasing birds.

One of many interesting characters on the Ramblas.

One of the downsides to not having a stroller - carrying a napping Bo.
Monument to Christopher Columbus.  It was this spot in Barcelona  where Ferdinand and Isabel welcomed him home after his first trip to America.

Excited to board the 'pirate ship.'

A sweet little old lady who was in love with Bo and insisted on holding his hand across the street.  She kept saying something about his 'beautiful eyes' (we think).  

When she left she gave the boys a euro:)  

A random mammoth in a park.

Barcelona's version of the Champs Elysees.

Scott's paella...when in Barcelona...

Our flower ice cream cones.
The next day we saved for the Sagrada Familia, Barcelona's most famous tourist attraction.  The Sagrada Familia (Holy Family) is a Catholic church that was started by Barcelona's most famous architect, Antoni Gaudi in 1883.  Before he died, he left his vision to others who have continued his work up to this day, and because funding for construction comes strictly out of donations and entrance fees, it's projected it won't be finished for another 40 some odd years.  It's incredibly beautiful and modern, which makes sense, as Gaudi was known for ushering Modernism into the 19th and 20th centuries, and Barcelona is apparently the capital of Modernism.  The church is full of symbolism from the bible - from the birth of Jesus to Christ's passion, scenes are played out all over.  We did an audio tour, and they had a children's audio tour as well, which Will enjoyed (Bo fell asleep).

 After the Sagrada Familia, we headed to Parc Guell, another one of Gaudi's visions.  He intended for it to be a gated community, but at the turn of the century, people didn't want to be so far away from all the action, so it was turned into a park - a very beautiful one.  It was a hike getting there - but completely worth it - the view was incredible.

Enjoying some churros and chocolate sauce for dessert.

Our flight didn't leave until late afternoon Wednesday so we took advantage of our last few hours and hit the beach.  It certainly wasn't 'beach weather' - even to us Minnesotans mid-60's isn't the ideal temperature for a swim, but we couldn't leave Spain without dipping our toes into the Mediteranean!  There were actually a few brave souls swimming and sunbathing, though...

One last romp at the playground.

We took the boys pants off which was a very smart move, as about thirty seconds after this was taken, Bo bit it and was covered in sand...thank goodness I had a pull-up along - although he wasn't too happy about having to wear one.
And on a final note...
Bo getting sprayed off after our beach excursion...he was less happy about this than about wearing a pull-up...
So, a great time was had by all - and of course it went too fast.  There were a few things we didn't get to - namely the Picasso Museum, which I know is a must-see.  We thought about going on Wednesday morning, but, as with any trip, we feel we're only allotted so much cooperation with the boys, and I think by that time we probably cashed in our good behavior tickets, so we'll save that for next time...)

Have a great week!

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