Monday, August 23, 2010

Belgian Coast - take 2

Bon jour!

We started off our week by celebrating our anniversary - eight years!  We took the kids to a Mexican restaurant we found.  Going out to eat here is certainly different than America.  For starters, it is not for someone who's in a hurry - the concept of quickly 'turning tables' does not apply here.  Service is...interesting, and also, nobody tips (which we're already used to:)  This being said, I'm not sure how many nice restaurant we'll be taking the kids to here!  But we did have a nice time - and enjoyed our Mexican food - although it's no Pepitos!
Will's turning in to our photographer - he may need a little practice!
Much better:)

We spent much of the rest of the week getting ready for our move into our permanent apartment.  We had a bit of shock on Friday when we tried to use our credit card to buy a new washing machine and dryer and it was declined...after some investigation, we found out they put a 'hold' on our cards because they thought they were stolen!  In all the craziness of the move, we forgot to let our credit card company know we were moving to Belgium.  Looking back, it's kind of interesting that it took almost 4 weeks for a 'red flag' to go up - as we've had to use them quite frequently because it took a while to set up a bank account here! 

I cannot wait to move into our new place and to finally feel a little more 'settled.'  Although we don't mind the temporary housing, our apartment is in a much better area - close to the metro and more shops.  What I'm most anxious about is getting the shipment of all of our 'stuff.'  I think I may actually cry tears when I see my bed again.  It'll be great having all the boys' toys finally again too - I think they're getting a little bored here with the handful of things we could bring on the plane.  We have a final 'walk-through' today.  Renting a place here is much more complicated than in America (walk-through?).  Also we had to sign a nine-year lease!  Just the way they do things here...

Friday and Saturday were beautiful, and as it looks as though this week is supposed to be cool and rainy, we tried to spend as much time outside as possible.  Saturday we just stayed in the city and tried to explore a little more of Brussels.  We got a little more than we bargained for, as our GPS did not quite understand the fact that there was a road closure - but alas, we finally found our way.  We went for a long walk through a forested area of Brussels and also explored Montgomery Circle, which is park/monument dedicated to the liberation of Belgium.

Will once again playing photographer...not sure who the 'Miller-wannabe' is there in the corner

A little bribery always works to keep Will in the stroller

The apple does not fall far from the tree...Bo also LOVES Belgian Waffles
On Sunday we tried to once again make the trip up to the coast to the resort town of Ostende.  In hindsight, we probably should have gone Saturday to take advantage of the beautiful weather, but at least Sunday was better than last week - although right when we pulled in to town it began raining!  It did not last long, however, and we were able to take a nice walk around the coastline and boardwalk and, after a lot of debating, even decided to take a little splash in the water.  Being the North Sea and all, it goes without saying it is not the balmy, pristine waters of the Caribbean - it was COLD.  But after the numbness set in, we had a great time, and the boys didn't want to leave.  There were a surprising number of people actually swimming - and the beach was full.  Of course it started raining again, however.  It was actually kind of funny - one second the beach was full of people, and the next thing we knew, we looked up from the water-line, and all had cleared out.  We left Ostende cold, wet, and completely full of sand, but what a fun time we had!

Bo had to follow Will into the jumper on the boardwalk

Bo was very hesitant to put his feet in at first

 But then we couldn't get him to leave!

Saggy diaper!  He may have fallen a few times...

The big job this week is finding a school for Will.  I'm having a hard time getting in touch with anyone - I'm hoping this week at least all the teachers will be back, as they don't start school until September 1st, so I should be able to connect with someone??  And of course, the language barrier has been a bit of an issue...which I better get used to, as he'll be attending a French school.  

Au revoir! (or as Will says, 'or water' - we have a little ways to go yet with the whole 'French thing' with him...)

A parting shot...somebody found my candy stash...

1 comment:

  1. Loved looking at all the pictures of your recent adventures!!! You are already getting to see so many awesome places:) The boys look like they are enjoying it all too! We miss you guys! Keep the posts coming.
    Love ya
    The Valdes
