Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Well, the Halloween party was a success and a fun time was had by all (except, perhaps, by our neighbors, as things got pretty loud around here...).  We decorated Thursday night, Scott and Will carved a pumpkin, and Bo and I were busy in the kitchen all day yesterday.  On the menu:  a goblin cheese ball, monster bites, mummy dogs, snake-bite sandwiches, strawberry ghosts, mummy cupcakes, witches fingers, and worm punch.  What can I say, I really get into Halloween!

 It was fun to get together with our new friends here - and bring fellow English-speakers together!  It's interesting listening to the conversations that go on between expats - the talk is usually dominated by where you can find certain items, bemoaning customer service, good places to vacation and the best Belgian beers.  The kids had a good time too - it's been a while since we've had more than two kids in our house!  We ended up with two SpiderMan(s)?(men?), Snow White, Cookie Monster, Buzz Lightyear, and a Yoda - and an Indian.  Highlight of the night:  watching Bo's reaction to a mechanical witch with a very frightening cackle...I swear, if I would've gotten that on camera I could've won a lot of money.

Here are some pictures from the festivities!

Carving the pumpkin - they're pretty small here in Belgium!

This is what I get for turning my back...note the little broom - he was trying to 'help'.

My 'Goblin Cheese Ball'

Mummy cupcakes and 'witches fingers'

 SpiderMan x 2 - aka, Will and Andrew

'Monster Bites' and 'Mummy Dogs'

Bo, very sad that he couldn't have a lollipop too.

Will and his best pal, Adolfo

And finally, the fun never ends with Bo...

Notice his arm - that red marker was ALL OVER - he's so sneaky, I was actually in the room - thank goodness for Crayola and washable markers!

Now off to London - have a great week!

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