Thursday, November 11, 2010


Happy Halloween, from London!

Our London trip was a successful one, although it did come with a Broncos loss.  It almost didn't happen, however, as we nearly missed the train.  Leave it to the Millers to miss a train that doesn't leave until 8:30 PM!  As Scott had just taken the train a few days earlier to Germany, and reported that there was no customs, showing of passports, nothing - simply running your ticket through and boarding the train, we figured we'd given ourselves plenty of time.  We were wrong.  Traveling to England is different, apparently, and security is much more strict.  We made the train by the skin of our teeth - we were literally running - and had workers yelling at us to 'jump on the first car you see!'  It was like something out of a movie - Will thought it was hilarious, and could not stop laughing.  Alas, we made it, and two very short hours later, found ourselves in London - I'm thinking train travel is pretty slick.

The next morning, Halloween, started off slow and rainy.  However, I didn't want to waste any time there, and as 'Rick Steves' promised that the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace happened on odd days in October, we headed off there.  It was not meant to be.  After we so haughtily staked out an awesome spot to view the changing of the guard, laughing at our cleverness in getting there early, we proceeded to sit in the numbing, constant drizzle for the next 30 minutes, before I spotted a sign on the other side of the fence stating that there'd be no changing of the guard today.  Awesome.  So we trudged back to our hotel, wet, hungry and grumpy, all in need of a nap before the game, which the boys did not take.  (They did, of course, fall asleep on the way there.)

The game was fun - although the Broncos did lose, but at least it had stopped raining by then.  We had pretty good seats too - although they were in the front row of the top balcony, and Scott the acrophobic was on the verge of a panic attack throughout the game (to his defense, it was a little nerve-wracking with two toddlers)!  The stadium was filled with mostly 49ers fans, as they were the home team, although we did have our share of fellow Broncos fans too.  Scott missed the first touchdown of the game, as he was at the concession stand (oh, the sacrifice dad's have to make:)!

Although he did well, by the end of the game, Bo decided he'd had enough.

Of course, it being Halloween and all (like he's ever needed an excuse), Will insisted on bringing his costume along, and we let him be Spider Man again after the game.  This costume has now made it to Paris and London...

Outside Wembley Stadium, after the game

The end of a long day
The next day was beautiful, so we headed to the charming town of Windsor, home to Windsor castle.  The bus station we needed happened to be right outside our hotel, so it was pretty easy.  The castle's amazing - it's incredible how big it is - almost like it's own city.  Although I'd been there once before, I'd mostly forgotten what it looked like.  Unfortunately, you're not allowed to take pictures inside the castle - we were actually witness to a man innocently attempting to take a picture - he was immediately overcome by guards - it was like he pulled a gun or something...crazy.  We're pretty sure the Queen was actually in residence when we went in the castle - as her flag was flying at the time - but left while we were inside, as Britain's flag was up when we came out.  Maybe Bo's meltdown mid-tour had something to do with that...  Because of the time of year we were there, we were lucky enough to tour the Semi-State Chambers, or royal apartments, which I was not able to tour the first time.  It was really neat!

Around our necks were headphones that we used for a tour guide - they had ones for kids, too, which Will loved.

Where the Queen actually lives when she's in residence.

Bo enjoying his freedom from the castle - it's hard for a one-year-old to be quite for an hour and a half!

As you can see, Bo's not too happy here - he's terrified of the guard .  About 2 minutes before the picture, Bo ran in front of him while he was marching and nearly got trampled.  The guard stopped and stomped his feet, went through the whole formality with his gun, etc.  Although it was all just part of his normal routine, it scared the bejeezus out of Bo - lesson learned I hope?
After a nice dinner in Windsor, we headed back to our hotel and hung out there - just rented a movie for the kids.  I think we've realized that there's only so much sightseeing and touring you can do while towing two little boys along!  The next day was another beautiful day and we headed out once again to see the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace - only to be disappointed a second time (I'm starting to lose faith in Rick Steves...)   I would love to be able to go back to Buckingham Palace in late summer, as that's when it's opened to tourists.  So instead we enjoyed the fall weather and took a nice stroll through the touristy areas of London, and ended up at the Tower of London - which was on the top of my list.

Will underneath Queen Victoria's statue


Big Ben

Westminster Abbey - next time, I definitely want to take a tour - but we had to pick and choose.

Westminster Abbey
The tour of the Tower of London was great - especially since I have a minor obsession with Tudor England and all things related.  Will loved it too - they had a whole portion of it dedicated to 500 years of armor.  It was much bigger than I had anticipated - and of course portions have been added on over the centuries - but still, it too was like a little city.

A very intimidating place!

"Traitor's Gate" - where prisoners were brought up from the Thames
Memorial to those executed on 'Tower Green'

Grassy area where some of the most famous executions took place

The third window on the right is where Queen Anne Boleyn was held, and is apparently still haunted - according to the tour guide.
One of the devices used for torture
King's living quarters
Court jester - perfect job for Will
After our tour, we walked around a got a glimpse of London at night - it was beautiful.

The Tower Bridge

View from the Milleneum Bridge (aka, the pedestrian bridge that the dementors attack at the beginning of the sixth Harry Potter movie:)

All in all, a great trip.  London was like a breath of fresh air for us Americans - probably more so for me.  Being able to read signs and understand waiters was awesome.  I had Starbucks every day.  A little excessive, maybe, but delicious nonetheless.  The tube (train) system is pretty easy to navigate.  I actually think I could live there - it would certainly be easier, that's for sure, albeit more expensive!  It was also nice to come home though, too.  Traveling with little people isn't always the easiest thing - and I certainly wouldn't call it a vacation!  We didn't get a crib in the hotel, so Bo slept with Will on the pull-out couch.  If Scott and I put him back to bed once, we put him back to bed a thousand times a night.  I think it was pure exhaustion each night from climbing in and out of bed that he finally just crashed.  We left at the perfect time - their tube engineers were striking the day we left - which would've made it much more difficult to get around.  Not to mention the fact that we returned home on a Wednesday - which made for a very short work week for Scott!

Leaving London
 Scott has work off today for Armistice Day, and Will has off school today and tomorrow, so this is another short week.  We don't have a whole lot planned this next week, but next Saturday my parents arrive...hooray!


  1. WOW! Sounds like you guys had a great time!! :) Loved all the pictures!

  2. Ok, Will cracks me up! He looks like he could have a riot anywhere! My favorite pics are the ones where Bo is screaming and Will is having a great time! What memories!!!! Glad you guys are having such an amazing experience!

  3. Great pictures of what looks like a great trip!! Gosh, I sure missed a lot when we went on our Europe trip! The boys seriously are hysterical:) The whole guard thing would have scared me too- poor Bo! Give them kisses from us. We sure do miss you guys and I may have slight depression after the Holidays and not getting to see you:( Nonetheless, I hope you have a great time with your family! Love ya
